News And Events

2021 Annual General Meeting

Notice of the Annual General Meeting
Pontus Marine Holdkings PIc 08628913 (the “Company”)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting will be held on Saturday 27th November 2021 at 3pm BST for the directors to report to the shareholders on the financials of the Company for the financial years ending June 2020 and June 20201 and to table the strategy for the Company in the coming year.
Mohammad Yusef, Director

Message From The CEO

Mohammed Yusuf Ali Guray; Gudoomiyahay Shirkada Pontus Marine waxa uu idiin soo gudbinayaa xog gaaban oo ah xogtii shirkada ilaa bishii May ee ina soo dhaaftay.Sidii aan ku sheegay warbixintii bishii May ee sanadkan waxay ahayd in la qabto shirwayne guud oo London ka dhaca bishii June ee la soo dhaafay, mid kaa la mid ahani waxa uu ka dhacayay Hargaisa isla taasoo ku beegnayd marka ay qurbo joogto soo noqoto. Corono Virus iyo dawlada ayaa hakiyay in shirkaasi qabsoomo walina lama oga xiliga la fasixi doono in la qabto shirarkaasoo kale.Waxaan mar kale ku celinayaa go’aanka ah in mar kale shirarkaasi ay qabsoomi doonaan haddii Allah yidhaahdo, waa marka ay dawladu fasaxdo. Intaa waxaa soo raaca in aan diyaar u ahay inaan saamilayda shirkada kala hadlo wixii warbixin guud iyo mid gaar ah ba..Mohammed Yusuf Ali20thJuly 2020

Pontus Marine Annual Meeting Information Sent

Asalamu Calaykum and Ramadan Karim.

An email from the CEO of the company has been sent to all share holders whom we have their correct email addresses. A new update is expected to be sent by June; stay tuned.


Farriin ka socota madaxa Pontus Marine ayaa loo diray qofkastoo shareholder ah oo aannu ka hayno email address saxa. Bisha June ayaa iyana la filayaa in warbixin kale la soo diro.




Return of Investment


Sidii aan ku xusnay shirkii sannadlaha ahaa ee ay shirkadu ku qabatay magaalada Birmingham 27kii May 2017 iyo shirarkii daba socday shirarkaas ee ku saabsanaa wabixintii lala wadaagayay saamilayda maalgashaday shirkadda.
Mudane/marwo kasta oo maalgashaday Pontus Marine waxay xaq u yeesheen in loo soo celiyo 11.5% wixii ay maal gashadeen.

Haddaba waxaanu Mudane/Marwo kaa codsanaynaa inaad doorato sidan hoos ku xusan.
a- Inaad dib ugu celiso shirkada lacagtan aad heshay iyadoo qimaha saamigu uu yahay $1 hal saami.
b- Inaad naqad uu qaadnayso lacagtan aad heshay adigoo noo sheegaya halka laguugu soo hagaajinayo lacagtaasi

Fadlan buuxi foomkan sida ugu dhaqsaha badan adigoo hubinaya warkaad galisaa inuu yahay mid sax ah oo waafaqsan warkii aad na siisay markaad shirkadda maal gashanaysay.

Buuxi foomkan

Dear investors,
Based on the promises made at the company’s annual meeting that took place on May 27, 2017, we hereby let you know that the company is ready returning 11.5% of your investment. You have the option of reinvesting this return (each share costs $1). Please fill out the following form accordingly and as accurate as possible.

Fill out invest return form

2017 Annual Meeting Minutes and Information

To all investors,

We recently sent a report on the 2017 Annual Meeting Information to all investors with valid email addresses. To serve our investors better we created the form below. We encourage our investors to send us their feedback and corrections by filling the  form in the link below. Please fill this form if you:

  1. want to update your phone, email, or address etc
  2. did not receive your certificate
  3. your certificate shows incorrect amount of investment

Information update

thank you